The Institute of Competencies and Qualifications I-C-Q is an independent institute with international activities in teaching, research, consulting, publications and in projects. Quality control is executed by a special committee under ongoing European quality assurance standards. The aim of the institute is to work successfully in the field of life long learning with the accreditation of prior learning: to train and assess portfolio courses in all areas of the Rainbow Portfolio System, to consult in all seven fields of work (see consulting) and to support the international I-C-Q-network of institutions, groups, companies, NGO’s and ministries.

The Rainbow Portfolio system, (portfolio of competencies and qualifications) is a tool that can accumulate and showcase competencies, the application can be limitless. In a subsequent APL procedure (Accreditation of Prior Learning), qualifications specifically related to the desired course are acquired (for example parts of an interrupted of previously dropped study programme and/or decades of professional experience in the chosen field of study) at Bachelor and Masters level. This enables one to exchange previous or recent qualifications for an internationally valid equivalent, at a similar academic level.
Our system is compatible with the Europass and allows for recognition of key competencies in regards to the European Qualifications Framework (EQF). The Competency Portfolio was created to suit UK NARIC standards and the European Qualifications Framework, and has therefore been recognised as an equivalent to the ECTS study method. Successfully done, our courses can be accredited as part of a degree programme. Most students complete their Competency Portfolio during the first semester and can thusly apply for exemption from parts of the course due to their previous knowledge and skills documented by the Portfolio and prior learning experience, or previously undertaken studies.

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